Recent Paintings 2017-2023

Flood Zone | Flashe and Acrylic on Canvas | 50x38 inches

Little Red Riding Hood Meets the Wolves | Flashe and Acrylic on Paper | 50”x38”

New Tenants Arriving | Flashe and Acrylic on Paper | 50”x38”

School Days | Acrylic and Flashe on Yupo | 50”x38”

Joshua Tree National Park | Acrylic and Flashe on Paper | 50”x38”

Night Swimming with Plastic | Acrylic and Flashe on Canvas | 50”x38”

Hanging On 1 | Acrylic and Flashe on Canvas | 16”x20”

Save My Child | Acrylic and Flashe on Cradled Board | 14”x18”

Hanging On 2 | Acrylic and Flashe on Canvas | 16”x20”

The Children Still Play | Flashe and Acrylic on Paper Mounted on Board | 38”x50”

Hands Up Don’t Shoot | Flashe and Acrylic on Yupo | 59”x38”

Ascension | Acrylic and Flashe on Paper Mounted on Board | 38”x50”

Amusement Park | Acrylic and Flashe on Paper | 30”x40”

High Ride | Acrylic and Flashe on Board | 14”x 18”

The Bombs Bursting in Air | Acrylic and Flashe on Canvas | 40" x40"

Global Trade 1 | Acrylic and Flashe on Cradled Board | 12”x12”

Oops | Acrylic and Flashe on Yupo | 43”x39”

Global Trade 3 | Acrylic and Flashe on Yupo | 51”x34”

Evacuation | Flashe and Acrylic on Paper Mounted on Board | 22”x37”

Yellow Smog (I Can’t Breathe) | Flashe and Acrylic on Paper Mounted on Board | 30”x40”